New OP Glue Piece GUI
The next chunk of bold code creates a left-to-right box layout and sets it up for the buttonPane container. Then the code adds two buttons to the container, using a rigid area to put 10 pixels between the buttons. To place the buttons at the right side of their container, the first component added to the container is glue. This glue is an invisible component that grows as necessary to absorb any extra space in its container. Glue is discussed in Using Invisible Components as Filler.
New OP Glue Piece GUI
Unnecessary Trivia: If you want to sound smart, you can call these pieces of paper "endpapers", "end-papers", or "end-sheets". The side glued to the cover is (creatively) called the "paste-down". The other part is called the "flyleaf".
Glue: Elmer's glue ($3) is probably fine. There's also special bookbinding PVA ($8) that's essentially the same thing, but marketed for book binding. Weigh your risk-averseness / perfectionism against your cheapness / laziness.
Unnecessary Details: This piece of cloth is called a "super". It adds a little bit of strength to the spine and helps keep the papers from peeling away from the book when you put your covers on. The old-school way was to make it out of cheese cloth, but some people say cheese cloth is too weak. Making it out of muslin works well, or you can even buy yourself some special cloth marketed specifically for making supers out of. The important thing is for the cloth not to be too thick (like not felt or velvet) and to be fairly stiff (not too stretchy; don't use your mom's old nylons). I use old pillowcases/sheets.
Ha, well, it's hard to check the fit before you have made something to check. If things don't fit quite right here, you can peel back the leather from the cardboard, adjust the position of the cardboard on the leather (wider or narrower depending on how your fit was wrong), and repeat steps 15-19 to glue again. I've never had one not fit though as long as I follow the dimensional instructions carefully.
Find and open the file w5.fits which should be in the w5.tgz archive you downloaded above. This is a WISE image of the W5 Star Forming Region. While this is an astronomicaldataset, glue can be used for data in any discipline, and many of the conceptsshown below are applicable to many types of dataset.
You can save a Glue session for later work via the Save Session button inthe toolbar or in the File menu. This creates a glue session file (thepreferred file extension is .glu). You can restore this session later viathe Open Session button in the toolbar or in the File menu.
A: Grab a small piece from one edge and begin to pull it away from the structure. If any residue is left on the surface, use a stiff nylon brush, paper towel or rag with denatured alcohol to clean the area.
A: If your fingers get glued together, you should immediately soak the bonded area in warm, soapy water. Carefully peel or roll the skin apart gently and slowly. DO NOT PULL APART. Flex Super Glue creates an extraordinarily strong bond that is nearly impossible to break by pulling straight up and down. If you gently roll the skin, you will gradually diminish the bonds between the Flex Super Glue molecules enabling your fingers to separate.
A: Flex Super Glue Liquid takes 5 to 45 seconds to set, depending on the surface being bonded and the amount of glue used. The Flex Super Glue Gel takes up to 45 seconds to set. Both formulas can take anywhere between 1 to 24 hours to fully cure.
A: Use it to remove Flex Tape and other tough adhesive tape such as masking, duct, double-sided, painters, gaffer, scotch, and packing tape, decals, stickers, labels, tar or asphalt, glue residue, gum, bugs, ink, lipstick, marker, paint transfers, pine tar, soot, dirt, tree sap, vinyl tinted windows, wallpaper, wax, weather stripping, and so much more!
Presumably the state representation of session store is an object graph that is updated in small deltas. From my code reading, it appears like these deltas are applied on the main thread and then the entirety of the large object graph is then transmitted to the Worker when it's time to snapshot and write the state. If, instead, the canonical SessionStore state was maintained on the worker, with the deltas sent to the worker via postMessage as they happen in small pieces, that would markedly improve the jank situation as well as the GC situation by reducing GC churn. (However, you are absolutely right, GC on workers is something that we really need to invest time in, if only to understand the status quo.)
I think we're agreed that bullet 2 above is where the complexity is and that's the best first step. There's no avoiding the need to incrementally consume the object graph. I would propose implementing a JS iterator that traverses your session graph that is capable of providing a sufficiently consistent result when consumed over multiple separate setTimeout()-chunked tasks. Performing a shallow clone of top-level data structures, or simply relying on existing JS iterator semantics may be sufficient. The iterator would yield strings, interleaving JSON.stringify-ed small portions of your object graph plus the short JSON glue-strings. Your driver logic would accumulate those strings in an array until some length constant is reached, then postMessage that across to the worker, then re-schedule itself with a setTimeout(0).
October has been dedicated to consolidating the Jenkins configuration to make it easier to edit. Most actions are now handled by shell scripts under integration/jenkins.git:/bin; editing the scripts doesn't require updating Jenkins jobs. The second slave server has been added to production and is successfully running PHPUnit tests. The packaging of dependencies required to upgrade Zuul has been completed, and Antoine Musso now has a version working in Labs. Finally, we investigated the possibility of running the browser tests whenever a change is submitted in Gerrit; that work is still in progress.Thanks to Carl Fürstenberg's work during the Summer, we are now able to build some Debian packages straight into Jenkins using a dedicated instance and the Jenkins Debian glue scripts. The jobs are listed in Jenkins under the Ops-DebGlue view. 041b061a72